Friday, May 8, 2015

Kratom for Pain Relief and Opioid or Alcohol Withdrawal

Disclaimer:  Kratom has risks and benefits.  One must personally analyze if you are using substances far more dangerous and can use kratom to end use of those substances then move on to safer substances or being substance use free.

How to use Kratom for pain relief and withdrawing from alcohol, opioids, and possibly other depressants:

1.  Find a legal and natural product.  Get whole leaves if you can, and use it the way Thailand natives have used it for centuries.  My personal trial was with Experience Botanicals Maeng Da Kratom.  7 pills contain 4.55 grams.

Users have warned against going above this dosage in one day and against using concentrated extracts.  So avoid anything that says something like nX extract.  The instructions say no more than 7 pills a day and no more than a month consistent use without a break.  This seems like good advice and though it is not very expensive, spending more than say a hundred bucks a month on it seems like an expensive drug problem, so do moderate oneself.  However, for serious pain issues, the more natural the product, the more you can take.  For example, naturally chewing all the leaves one can tolerate appears to cause few problems in natives but intake is naturally regulated by ones ability to chew leaves so it's not concentrated and you can more easily tell when you have had enough than with pills or extracts.  Teas are popular but one must be sure not to make too concentrated a tea.

2.  Learn about the benefits and risks from the accounts of users and centuries of kratom use in it's native Thailand.

Some user accounts:

"Kratom has seen therapeutic use in Thai ethnomedicine as an antidiarrhoeal, as a treatment for opioid dependence, and rarely to increase the duration of coitus.[23][24][25]
Kratom and its derivatives have been used as substitutes for opium as well as for the management of opium withdrawal. "  -Wikipedia

3.  Come up with a drug withdrawal or pain management plan, preferrably with your doctor's help and monitoring.

If you are using opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol for management of pain and anxiety, you are possibly using something far more dangerous than kratom and using kratom may lower your risk of suffering health problems.

Your plan should preferably include slowly decreasing the use of dangerous drugs like Oxycontin and alcohol while slowly introducing kratom to stop withdrawals and produce a state of low pain and low anxiety.  I have heard local reports of heavy opiate abusers using kratom to prevent opioid withdrawal successfully and also there are reports from Thailand that kratom has long been used to withdraw from opium.

My Personal Observations About Kratom:

I find it to be prosocial, or rather pro-bonding but I've used it only a short period of time. It makes me a lot nicer. I can hangout with children and women more like a family guy rather than being competition focused.

It appears to act on opioid receptors very differently than traditional opiates and there are anecdotal reports of people quitting heavy kratom use cold turkey suffering no more than runny nose. In any case, it appears safer than using alcohol or opiates daily.

  •  I trialed it. It greatly decreased my alcohol intake without withdrawal symptoms and allowed me to take a break from anxiety and pain medications without withdrawals.

Kratom supposedly does not cause respiratory depression; however, if one makes 15x extracts or more, you'd get some bad side effects I'm sure. People who chew natural leaves apppear to be able to chew as many as they want without significant problems.

Kratom's opioid effects are not opium based obviously and it shows some significant differences. There is not good research and it may not be forthcoming since a powerful pain med without respiratory depression would upset the pain killer addiction/murder scam market.

"In Thailand, kratom was first scheduled for control in 1943 under the Kratom Act. At the time, the government was levying taxes from users and shops involved in the opium trade. Because of the increasing opium costs, many users were switching to kratom to manage their withdrawal symptoms. However, the launch of the Greater East Asia War in 1942 and declining revenues from the opium trade pushed the Thai government into action to curb and suppress competition in the opium market by making kratom illegal."


Thailand, where it grows, openly admitted it was banned so as not to interfere with opium tax profits.


Kratom's risk/benefit analysis is good for those who are using dangerous medications like opioids and benzodiazepines.  Do your research and consult with a doctor if you find that you could use this plant to reduce or eliminate dangerous medications, pain, and anxiety.

Thanks for reading.

Tell me your secret cheats.  email me at or comment below.

Daryl F. Seldon, MS, psychotherapist

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Use Gabapentin to run harder, Challenge

Gabapentin is a drug used for neuropathic pain and seizures.  I have found however, that large doses can nearly double my endurance capacity and strength.

So, I wonder if this could also happen for a professional athlete.  Building up to as much as 2400mgs per day, Gabapentin may act as a calcium channel blocker, interrupting muscle contraction and using instead the tensile strength of the tissues.  A muscle that is not contracting as hard can cover a vast distance quickly and does not get fatigued as easiily.  The muscle may go into a 'resilience' state due to gabapentin.

If it doubles my endurance and strength, it is possible it might do the same for professional athletes.  This would be a discovery bigger than steroids.  Athletes know when the body is bluffing, that the initial pain is bs, then there are several plateaus.  If you keep running and not eating and your body get's serious, you induce a resilience state.  If you could maintian that, you'd probably live to be 500 years old, but just one fried okra will break it.  The resilience state comes right before starvation, go figure.  Life and death, always side by side.  Gabapentin seems to have some ability to induce this resilience state.  It cannot overpower a number 2 from McDonalds's, no, but it will give you strength and stamina on an empty stomach.  It may even give a quick respite from SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction.

My interest presently, is to explore if professsional athletes can use high dose gabapentin to dramatically increase endurance.  Tell me what you have found about gabapentin, GABA influencers and endurance performance.

Thanks for reading.
Daryl Seldon, MS, the Technosavage

Fix Antidepressant Sex Problems Cheat sheet

If you been taking antidepressants, opiates, or neuroleptics and can't reach a climax, you are about to get your orgasm back.

Low doses of Lithium orotate will block inorgasmia resulting from use of antidepressants such as SSRI's, neuroleptics, opioids, and substances like Dxm and ketamine.

How did I discover this?

  • Many years ago, i was searching for a way to reverse the serotonin/prolactin induced inorgasmia associated with DXM use. I tried everything and found nothing. Then I scoured the message boards. There was a bipolar fella who reported that he noticed that Paxil caused inorgasmia, but when he took his lithiulm, it went away. So, I tried it. It worked.

    It works. Low doses of lithium orotate will reverse the inorgasmia. There are a few concerns about it, but done right, it at least gives you an option. It takes up to 3 days of dosing to reverse the inorgasmia. However, it won't necessarily increase libido, but if you already have libido, that's no problem.

What all have i tried?

Some people will have SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction for quite a while even after stopping SSRI use, especially with Prozac or Prozac weekly.  I've found lithium orotate will restore orgasm and sensitivity. Dopamine agonists, on the other hand, risk high blood pressure and serotonin syndrome when mixed with SSRI's. I tried bromocriptine and the nausea was aweful, don't use it. Cabergoline supposedly causes less nausea but dopamine agonists also risk heart valve problems. One would only take it if one also had a condition for which is it indicated, bad enough to take on the risk.

Litium on the other hand has been around for a vey long time and occurs naturally in the drinking water in many places. Higher doses can be harmful but proper dosing and side effects are well known from centuries of intake and from research on bipolar disorder. It is a less risky option IMO than dopamine and NA neutrotransmission increasers. Dopamine, NA, and serotonin affect each other and increasing them all is risky. Google "California Rocket Fuel". It's too heavy a regimen to assault the brain with. The backdoor is to do the opposite. Instead of trying to overpower the serotonin/prolactin effects, lower it just enough to prevent inorgasmia and lithium has long been known to do that, that's why it prevents mania in bipolar patients.

How do you dose?

Litium will reverse inorgasmia in 3 days or less.  Here's how:

Day 1, consume 1 to 4 pills contaning about 5mgs of lithium orotate.
Day 2, consume 1 to 4 pills contaning about 5mgs of lithium orotate.
Day 3, consume 1 to 4 pills contaning about 5mgs of lithium orotate.

Height, weight, gender, and the SSRI youre using will determine how many litium orotate pills you need to take in order to  recover orgaslmic capacity for both men and women.  Doses over 4 pills, or about 20 mgs of lithium are not recommended.

This one is an old cheat for me.  You can also use lithium orotate to block delirium from ketamine such that you get pain control without recreational effects.

Got cheats for me?  Email me at

Daryl Seldon, MS, Psychotherapist